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The Truth Behind YourChoices. What No One Will Tell You!

So many of us overlook that we are the creators of our misery. 

We get busy blaming our parents, teachers, peers, society………….fill in the blanks.

For our suffering, for where we are in our lives. 

This blame game leads us to overlook that….

We are responsible for creating a life that stifles us and keeps us feeling like hostages. 

We go through life overlooking that we are the creators of our reality.


Because our lives are byproducts of the subconscious programming we pick up along the way, this programming is the cause of our reactions. 

Collectively society has failed at empowering our innate ability to make a conscious choice.

Instead, society has continuously encouraged us to follow a blueprint of what is acceptable. 

We are taught at an early age what is acceptable and what is not. We are all conditioned to subconsciously understand who is successful and why and then we are encouraged to emulate that behavior. 


  • Go to school

  • Get married

  • Have children

  • Get a job

Not Acceptable:

  • Tattoos

  • Piercings

  • Dropping Out of School

  • Starting your own business

  • Deviating from the blueprint

I encourage you to keep adding to the list because you will be adding your entire life.

And now I would like to ask you to answer the following question:

What would your life look like if you stopped reacting?

This exact question took me on a journey that led me to see that I was not at choice 99.9% of the time. 

I was reacting to the people and the situations in my life based on beliefs and reactions that I had learned growing up.

I was an automated reactor.

I was building my life following a blueprint that was not authentically mine.

Mind-Blowing Right????

It was for me!! And this awareness led me to do the work to liberate my mindset from beliefs and judgments that supported the automatic reactions.

Instead, I decided to become a conscious choice maker. 

I fully stepped into the power of choice in every area of my life.

I consciously chose to wake up to my inner power & wisdom.

I chose to design my life my way.

I chose to trust my inner wisdom & follow my truth.

I embarked on this journey when I was 22 years old, a single mom and immigrant. But you see, I had no choice because I was already a failure by the standards of society and my culture. So if I was going to fail, I was going to fail on my terms.

Today, take some time to reflect on your choices. 

Are you choosing, or are you reacting? 
If you are reacting, where or from whom did you learn that reaction?

 If you are choosing, are you choosing consciously or unconsciously?

If it is an unconscious choice, this is the same as an automated reaction.

And this is where you start to peel the onion.

Happy Peeling!

With Love,

Amber Murat- Mindset Liberator