Who you are is a narrative you alone shape.
Starting now, I challenge you to fearlessly
master the might of your own power.
Meet Amber Your Self-Mastery Coach & Energy Calibrator
I was put on this earth to be the permission slip into your truth. I'm your reminder that you can break free and carve your own path regardless of what others say you "SHOULD BE." And to be the best person to show you that…I had to go through a lot.
After growing up in a country and household dominated by strict gender roles, the youngest of three and the only girl in the family, I learned from a very young age that as a woman, I was already pigeonholed into a particular role.
And this is where my "Hyper-Achiever" was born. At the early age of five, I promised to liberate myself from gender oppression. My ticket out- was to show the WORLD that I was worth more than my looks & embarked on the never-ending quest to validate my worth through achieving.
Later, when we migrated to the states as a family, feeling singled out and alone as one of the few women of color in my middle school and feeling helpless, learning a new language trying to fit into a new culture, triggered my HYPER-ACHIEVER to a new level.
At 22 years old, I became a single mother just days after finishing my bachelor's degree in journalism. And just like magic; overnight, I was deemed a failure in the eyes of society and boxed into the young-single-mom stereotype.
And for many years, I dealt with it in all the wrong ways. Looking in all the wrong places to fill a void, I bought into the limiting belief that no one would ever want to be with a woman who had a child. Starving myself to fit into 'beauty standards' that were indoctrinated by my mother. I became my most prominent critic plaguing myself with hateful names and negative self-talk, and an overwhelming sense of UNWORTHINESS became my best friend.
I felt trapped in the achievement cage
Until I Hit Rock Bottom
For weeks, I would stay up night after night overthinking, crying, searching for meaning, and praying for a way out. I was sick and tired of never feeling good enough, and I was straight up burnt-out from constantly overworking and over-filling my schedule. And I knew, deep in my gut, that I could no longer go on like this.
Then one night, instead of overthinking, suddenly, plopped my but down on the floor, and started to meditate. After a few minutes, my thoughts began to slow down, and it felt that for the first time in a long time, I could breathe, long, filling breaths. And each new breath birthed a new reflective question.
Why did I constantly feel less than everyone else? Why did I hide my true self from the world? Why was my identity tied to achievements? Why did I constantly feel that a designer bag would finally be the token to my worth?
Until that moment, I had failed to connect the dots that I was held captive by the story I kept telling myself about my past and how that narrative kept me feeling UNWORTHY.
I then realized that the only thing holding me back was the mental programming that had been programmed in my childhood, which now, as an adult, was running the show and creating my reality. And this mind-blowing moment marked the start of my mission to liberate my MINDSET.
I went on a quest to discover my truth and to learn how my mind works. I hunted down the coaches and teachers who had liberated themselves from limiting programming and had shifted their reality.
I became obsessed with finding out what this programming was all about, what makes some people feel stuck, while others overcome their past and tap into their authentic power.
I've invested years and cold hard cash into uncovering the workings of the mind, our energetic makeup, and the magic of the universe to be able to hold a safe space for you to embark on this journey of releasing limitations, recode your programming and leap into a new way of being.
My LIBERATION journey informs my work, and I'm proof that it doesn't matter if you've been through a torturous pass, you've spent your entire life feeling worthless, or you feel trapped in a loop. If I can break free, so can you.

I had to turn my EYES inward
At first, The urge to know me, who I'm outside of the identities I claimed ..presented itself as a low whisper. In the beginning, this whisper felt more like a craving that I would appease with a book, seminar, or podcast.
Ten years later, that whispered transformed into a loud declaration that I could no longer ignore. This declaration demanded I go past exploration and step into full embodiment of the UNIVERSAL TRUTH OF WHO I' AM.
And this is when the Unbecoming of Amber started!
My journey was not linear. It was filled with expansion, dark nights, and many revelations. Structures, beliefs, programming, and values that had served me for so long no longer sustained me. I was called to walk the path of alignment. To align my entire being and life to the truth that lives in my soul.
Throughout this journey, I kept showing up willing to know my truth. The more I allowed and trusted, the faster the blindfolds came off, the quicker the dismantling of my ego happened.
Then, Boom, it hit me! I was met with a heightened awareness that I'm a container designed to alchemize pain into medicine. And that we are all designed to do the same. We are all hardwired to break free from what is not aligned with our soul's purpose. So that we can create an aligned soul-led life that feels liberating and magical.
Lean-Into the magic of your Soul!

What part of your life needs to be shattered in order to set yourself free?

YOU ARE HARDWIRED to make the impossible POSSIBLE. LEAN-IN, activate your POWER. LIBERATE your mind and EXPAND beyond limits.
Up-lever Stories
“Amber provides a listening ear, a kind gaze, and a heart full of compassion and confidence, even if you don't see it yet. She makes sure you are growing to appreciate and love. And highlights the fact that even though we fall into cycles that were once used as protection, they no longer serve us in the current moment where we are in our lives. Amber helps us see that there is nothing wrong in letting go, but that it allows you to feel so light. The tools and resources that Amber has provided me with have allowed me to reframe my reaction to situations. I used to find myself paralyzed by fear and went into straight control freak mode which only left me exhausted and closed myself to support from others and accountability. Wholeheartedly, having Amber as a coach has been the best decision I've taken for myself. I would love to say it was a gift to myself, but Amber is the true gift. I feel emotionally enriched after each session. I am very grateful I have Amber as my coach!”