Call Your Spirit Back


Life experiences can drain our life force and capture our spirit. Experiences that capture our spirit can be divorce or separation from someone we loved, jealousy of others, negativity, grieving the loss of a person, place or thing, major life transitions, or rejection of a part of ourselves. We can also give our spirit away when we make someone or something more important than ourselves. It is any situation that leaves you less than who you are meant to be, regardless of how long it has been.

With the proper support and guidance, you can transcend any situation and call back the energy taken from you so that you can write a new life story. The life story you are destined to experience here on earth.

What you get in this narrative-shifting coaching experience:

  • 1 x 90-minute virtual coaching experience

  • Energy Leadership Assessment (backed by science)

  • Unique and proven Energy Calibration practices

  • Create Your Life Manifesto

  • Two weeks of video messaging support after the coaching session

  • 30-minute check-in call to wrap things up + celebrate


This experience is facilitated by me, Amber Murat, mindset liberator, frequency calibrator, master coach, and founder of iLVLUP Daily®—the one-of-a-kind Up-Level Energy Method. With 15 years of experience in HR Leadership development, wellness education, energy leadership and mindset training, I’ve merged my diverse areas of expertise to create a holistic approach to coaching that empowers you to step into new ways of thinking and new ways of being. Once you have finalized your purchase, you will receive a link to book your experience.

Get Unstuck
Raise Your Vibe
Up-Level Your Career
Unblock Your Money Blocks
Self-Worth Activator